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I. Title of Regulation
Textbook Regulation
II. Objective of Regulation
To ensure that required learning materials that are appropriate to the varied learning experiences at the College are available to students when needed.
III. Authority
Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, Section 1.3034(m)
IV. Regulation Statement
The adoption of a textbook will be subject to the following:
A. Textbooks which will best meet the needs of the students will be recommended by each department for use in its courses. In all cases, such recommendations must be based on evidence that the textbooks chosen will most effectively satisfy the objectives of the course. Price of textbooks, reading level, and other appropriate factors should be considered in the selection process. Once a consensus is reached on the selection of a textbook for each course, all department members will support the use of that text for the appropriate academic year.
B. Final approval of a textbook will be given by the Department Chairperson.
C. Department Chairpersons will place textbook orders at least ten weeks in advance for each school term so the College bookstore can have the desired textbook on hand for the opening of that term. Estimated class enrollments will be submitted along with all textbook orders.
D. The Textbook Manager will order quantities of new and used textbooks he/she deems necessary in accordance with sales and enrollment projections.
E. All requests for textbooks and other required or suggested material must be submitted to the College bookstore. Copies of the College bookstore book requests will be given to non-College bookstores if so requested in writing by such bookstores and if such bookstores regularly offer textbooks for sale ten weeks prior to the beginning of each term in accordance with the Board Policy on Auxiliary Services.
F. The College bookstore will do everything possible to provide materials for sections or courses added to the original Master Schedule.
G. When a textbook is not available due to late delivery to campus, the department will attempt to provide alternative textual materials.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Executive Vice President for Educational Services
Adopted: President’s Cabinet 4/1/75
Effective: 4/1/75
Revised: 3/14/79
Effective: 3/15/79
Revised: 12/22/82
Effective: 12/22/82
Revised: 4/94
Effective 4/94
Updated: 2/09