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PDF Regulation 2.9002R Computer Deployment and Replacement

I. Title of Regulation

Computer Deployment and Replacement Regulation

II. Objective of Regulation

To authorize the President to establish rules, procedures, and standards to govern the deployment and lifecycle replacement of computer hardware purchased and supplied by Brookdale Community College (“the College”).

III. Authority

President, Board of Trustee Policy 2.9000 (Acceptable Use of Computer Network, Resources, and Facilities) and Regulation 2.9000R (Computer Resources, Network and Facilities Use).

IV. Regulation Statement

A. Statement of Purpose

To ensure that computing resources are up-to-date and continue to fulfill the College’s operational needs, the College employs a replacement strategy with the goal of replacing computers every five years as funding allows.  This lifecycle replacement timeframe will not apply to computers which are being used primarily as thin clients that leverage the College’s virtualized desktop infrastructure (VDI) and is always subject to the availability of funding. In accordance with this goal, the College will work within existing budget parameters to provide the necessary basic computing resources, implement standards for computing resources on its campuses to increase the supportability of the College’s computing assets, and streamline the College’s policies and procedures around the specification, acquisition, deployment, and support of new equipment as well as the re-deployment or disposal of old equipment.

The goals for this strategy, listed and classified in order of priority, are as follows:


  1. Instructional Use: Ensuring that all computers which are designated for instructional use by faculty or students which are placed directly in classrooms are sufficiently capable of supporting all educational needs.
  2. Operational Use: Ensuring that all computers which directly impact the college’s service to students (e.g. enrollment processes, core support services, testing, etc.) are sufficiently capable of supporting operational demands.
  3. Faculty/Staff Use: Ensuring faculty and staff have access to a computer with sufficient capability to support basic computing needs in fulfillment of their work responsibilities and the College’s functional needs.
  4. Shared Student Non-Lab Use: Ensuring that appropriate computing resources are available in the College’s shared, student computer spaces (e.g. Student Success Centers, Library, etc.).

B. Hardware Standards

To maintain a reliable and efficient computing environment for all users of the College network, the College has developed standards for hardware.  The purpose of these standards is to:

Due to these standards, only certain models of computers issued to faculty and staff from approved manufacturers are supported.  Many computer models are not designed for organizational business needs and are more suitable for home or gaming use. The standard computer configurations supported by OIT are:

NOTE: When a new computer that is for instructional, operational or faculty/staff use is deployed, other computer peripherals that are not included in the default configuration listed above (such as a webcam, USB hub, etc.) may be requested and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  OIT will work with departments and College stakeholders to procure these peripherals when approved.  All college computers must meet the College’s hardware standards at the time of purchase. If hardware that has been requested does not meet these standards, the purchase request will be denied.  Special computing needs requested for academic and training programs will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.  All current, standard hardware configurations can be viewed here:


  1. Multiple Computers

Please note: all College full-time employees will be given one computer for work usage.  By default, the college provides a standard laptop setup to all employees. Desktops will be provided by special request and with approval of the supervisor only, as funding allows.  All hourly and part-time College employees will be given a shared desktop to utilize for work needs.  For special cases or events, a temporary laptop can be requested for a limited and specified amount of time from OIT.  All such requests must be submitted as a work order to OIT.

  1. When an Employee is Hired into a Newly-Created Position

When a new position is created at the College and a new employee is hired into that position, the hiring supervisor (in conjunction with HR) must notify OIT of the upcoming computing needs 30 days before the new hire’s employment start date.

  1. When a Current Full-Time Employee Changes Positions at the College

When a current employee moves to a new position at the College, previously deployed laptops will remain attached to the employee to whom it was initially supplied.  OIT will work directly with the employee and department(s) to manage the transfer and retention of information related to the employee’s previous position.

  1. When an Employee Leaves the College

When a faculty or staff member leaves the College, the computer assigned to them must be returned to OIT on or before the last day of employment. Upon reception of the computer, OIT will notify the employee’s supervisor that the data on the computer will be securely destroyed or erased unless otherwise requested within two weeks of the notification from OIT.  If the supervisor or department would like to retain any of the data on the computer, the supervisor can request this within two weeks from the day the OIT notification was received by sending this request via email to helpdesk@brookdalecc.edu.  When a data retention request is received, OIT will verify that the request is approved with HR and, if approved, will backup the data and deliver it to the supervisor.  After two weeks of OIT’s notification, if no request to retain data has been received, OIT will reset the computer, update the inventory, and reassign the device.  When an employee position at the College is empty or vacated indefinitely, OIT will hold the computer attached to that position, send the data retention email notification to the employee’s supervisor, then wait two weeks before resetting it and updating the inventory.  When the position is refilled, OIT will redeploy that computer or one that is equivalent in the lifecycle assessment and evaluation process.

NOTE: Exceptions to any of the above standards require CFO and CIO approval.

C. Shared or Departmental Use Computer Standard

Computers that have been designated for shared or departmental use will be deployed by supervisor request only.  All such requests are subject to the current availability of resources and will be evaluated by the following process. When a request for shared or departmental use computer is turned in via a work order, OIT will request the following information from the supervisor who placed the request:

  1. Where will this computer be placed?
  2. What is the intended use for this computer?
  3. Approximately how many individuals per day will be using this computer for the intended purpose? How many per week?
  4. Approximately how many hours per day will this computer be utilized for the intended purpose? How many days per week?

If the computer placement request is validated and the intended use is approved by the College, OIT will deploy additional department or shared use computers based on validation of the answers provided to the questions above.

OIT will also request the above information to assess and evaluate current shared or departmental use computers as appropriate or needed.

D. Computer Deployment Procedure

Based on this standard, the OIT team will create a deployment schedule for all new computer hardware that is purchased by the college.  When a computer resource is designated to a specific individual, once the new computer has been deployed, the end-user’s previous computer will be returned to OIT.  All data on the returned computer will be securely destroyed unless otherwise requested within two weeks of the date the new computer resources was deployed.

E. Notification and Deployment Process

Once an end-user’s computer has been assessed and scheduled for replacement, OIT will notify the individual when their new hardware is ready to be deployed.  After the initial email notification has been sent, OIT will continue to send reminder notifications to the user and their supervisor every two weeks until an agreed upon deployment date for the new computer has been set.  With the exception of the summer months, after the first email notification has been sent, if the end-user has not successfully scheduled the deployment of their new computer with OIT within two months, OIT reserves the right to deploy that hardware to the next scheduled hardware recipient in the queue.  OIT will attempt redeployment of a new computer with the end-user who was unresponsive the next time new hardware is received.

F. Computer Hardware Tracking

All new computer deployments will be logged, tracked, and recorded in the College’s computer inventory by the Office of Information Technology according to OIT’s documented Computer Asset Management process.

Computers, including all data stored on College-owned hardware, are the property of the College. Laptops may be taken home temporarily for work-usage purposes.  College-owned hardware, other than laptops or mobile devices, cannot be removed from College campuses or locations without documented approval and permission from supervisors.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Chief Financial Officer and Chief Information Officer

Approved: President, 8/22/2019
Approved: President, 9/14/2022