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I. Title of Policy

Involuntary Administrative Leave

II. Objective of Policy

To authorize the President to place a College employee on involuntary administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation into accusations of misconduct or other matters of concern and to further authorize the President to develop Regulations to guide the process and to impose appropriate discipline, if warranted.

III. Authority

N.J.S.A. 18A: 64A-12

IV. Policy Statement

The Board of Trustees recognizes the importance of enforcing and protecting the College’s values, mission and interests while at the same time upholding equity and fairness in the investigation process into allegations of employee misconduct, violation of College Policies, Regulations, rules and other matters of concern. Therefore, the Board authorizes the President (or designee) to place a College employee on involuntary administrative leave, with or without pay, in circumstances
following an allegation of misconduct or other matters of concern requiring an investigation and review of related facts.

The President shall develop College Regulations, with the assistance of College Counsel and the Office of Human Resources, to ensure equity and fairness in the investigative and disciplinary process, if applicable, taking into account the rights and protections of all parties involved, while also safeguarding the interests and reputation of the College.

V. Responsibility for Implementation



Approved: Board of Trustees, 03/26/2019
Approved: Board of Trustees, 04/24/2024


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