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I. Title of Policy

2.8000 Promotion, Advertising and Sponsorships

II. Objective of Policy

To authorize the President, or his/her designee, to develop College Regulations to define the nature and scope of permissible promotions, advertising, and sponsorship opportunities at Brookdale Community College by internal or external entities, and to establish appropriate guidelines for same.

III. Authority

N.J.S.A. 18A:64A-12 and N.J.S.A. 18A:64A-25.1, et seq.

IV. Policy Statement

To establish College guidelines for promotion, advertising and sponsorship opportunities to include all communications, facilities use and collaborative agreements, and to prevent the misuse of same, the President is authorized to establish rules, procedures and guidelines for the promotion, advertising and sponsorship agreements associated with Brookdale Community College by internal and external individuals and entities.

Except for advertisements, promotions and sponsorships initiated by the College, any permissible third-party advertisement, promotion or sponsorship does not constitute an endorsement thereof by the College. The College, in accordance with law, reserves the right to reject, in its sole discretion, any advertisement, promotion or sponsorship it deems unsuitable or contrary to the College’s Mission, Values and rules and regulations.

V. Responsibility for Implementation



Approved: 5/10/2001
Effective: 5/10/2001
Lodged: 9/25/2018
Approved: Board of Trustees,10/23/2018
Approved: Board of Trustees, 2/28/2023


PDF Policy 2.8000 Promotion, Advertising and Sponsorships