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I. Title of Policy
Residence Definitions
II. Objective of Policy
Residence definitions shall be applied.
III. Authority
Regulations and Standards for New Jersey Community Colleges, Section I-460 and New Jersey Administrative Code 9:5-1.1, .2, .3, .4.
IV. Policy Statement
An individual applying for admission to the College shall be given a residence classification for the purposes of ascertaining priority for admission and the tuition rate that shall be charged. Therefore, the President shall enforce residence definitions and require that an applicant provide satisfactory validation of residence upon request.
Residence classifications for applicants under eighteen years of age shall be assigned according to the permanent residence of their parents, legal guardian, or the person from whom they receive their principal support.
The President shall use the following definitions in assigning residence classifications to applicants for admission:
1. In-County Residents: An individual who has a Monmouth County address as a permanent address.
2. Out-of-County Residents: An individual who has a residence outside of Monmouth County or has not met the requirement for in-county resident status.
Military personnel and/or their dependents who reside in a municipality of Monmouth County or who reside on a military installation within the County shall be considered residents of Monmouth County.
The Executive Vice President for Educational, Student and Outreach Services has authority to make exceptions based on special circumstances.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Approved: 11/25/74
Revised: 11/1/76