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I. Title of Regulation

Financial Aid Program

II. Objective of Regulation

To maximize the opportunity for students to achieve their educational goals regardless of financial resources and to clarify the conditions under which financial aid can be awarded.

III. Authority

Board of Trustees Policy No. 4.1004 and 6.2000

IV. Regulation Statement

Financial aid is defined as any monetary subsistence received by a student for pursuing an education. That aid for which the College is held accountable by the funding agency for monitoring student progress and/or attendance must meet the following conditions:

A. Responsibility

1. The initial planning, coordination, and implementation of programs which will provide financial assistance to students are the responsibilities of the Office of Financial Aid. Relating to fiscal operation, the Vice President for Business and Finance is responsible for the accounting, disbursing, and loan collection of need based financial aid funds. The Financial Aid Office is responsible for determining student eligibility and notifying the Registrar’s Office on the status of students receiving financial assistance.

2. Financial aid information will be disseminated by the Office of Financial Aid to inform the college staff and community at large on the philosophy, goals, and procedures relating to Brookdale’s financial aid program. Financial aid counseling will be an ongoing process in helping students to meet their expenses.

3. A committee will be established to act in an advisory capacity relating to the College’s financial aid program. This committee will consist of representatives from the staff, student body, and community at large.

B. Determination of Need

1. The College is committed to offer aid to all eligible students provided there are sufficient funds to meet their needs. If there are insufficient funds, awards will be determined for those who qualify for particular programs based on financial need; those with the most need funded first. In awarding assistance the guidelines of the funding agency would supersede this Regulation. Deadline dates may be established for financial aid programs, when necessary.

2. A systematic needs analysis will be established by the Office of Financial Aid which shall be used consistently for all students who apply for campus based aid and will conform with the guidelines suggested by the U.S. Office of Health, Education and Welfare.

3. For need based aid it is expected that student and his/her family will contribute to the student’s college education according to their economic ability. Financial need will be determined by examining a student’s financial resources against anticipated college expenses. A student will have a financial need if the anticipated college expenses are greater than the financial resources.

C. Continuation of Aid

1. Students will continue to remain eligible for financial aid as long as they remain in good standing with the College. All enrolled students who are not on or in violation of other College policy or other than on academic limitation are in good standing. Students on academic limitation, as defined by Regulation 5.0028, are ineligible for financial aid. These students remain ineligible during that semester even if the limitation is adjusted. Students convicted for any criminal offense involving drugs will result in loss of eligibility for any Financial Aid.

2. The Educational Opportunity Fund program is covered by the Brookdale document entitled “Goals, Objectives and Procedures of the Brookdale Educational Opportunity Fund Program.”

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Executive Vice President for Educational Services

Approved: President’s Cabinet 8/6/69
Revision President
Approved: 6/7/77
Effective: 7/1/77 (with the exception of Section IV, C1 Section IV, C1 becomes effective 12/23/77
Revised: September 2010