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I. Title of Regulation
Academic Standing
II. Objective of Regulation
A. To establish standards for determining whether a student is in satisfactory academic standing.
B. To establish a process for monitoring student academic standing.
III. Authority
Board of Trustees Policy #5.0006
IV. Regulation Statement
Note: For purposes of this regulation, degree credits refers to credits for courses at the 100-level or above, whereas non-degree credits refers to credits at the 0-level.
A. Satisfactory Academic Standing
A student is considered to be in Satisfactory Academic Standing if the following two criteria are met:
1. The student must meet the minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) as outlined in the following Academic Standing Table.
Degree Credits Attempted | C.G.P.A. |
1-11 | — |
12-21 | 1.6 |
22-31 | 1.75 |
32-51 | 1.9 |
> 52 | 2.0 |
*Degree Credits attempted includes credits for all courses (at the 100-level or above) from which the student has not officially withdrawn and all transfer credits accepted by Brookdale. (Only credits earned at Brookdale are computed in the CGPA.)
2. Once more than 11 credits (either degree or non-degree) have been attempted (not including official withdrawals), a student enrolled in Basic Skills courses, as defined in the Basic Skills regulation, must pass 5.0028R 50% of those courses each semester he or she is enrolled in a Basic Skills course.
A student must have a CGPA of 2.0 to be eligible for graduation.
B. Warning Notices
A student who has attempted 1-11 degree credits and whose CGPA is less than a 2.0 will receive a warning. A student who has attempted more than 11 degree credits and is in Satisfactory Academic Standing but whose CGPA is less than a 2.0 will also receive a warning. The student will be notified that he or she may be in jeopardy of losing Satisfactory Academic Standing and must choose future courses carefully in order to maintain Satisfactory Academic Standing.
C. Academic Probation
A student who is not in Satisfactory Academic Standing will be placed on academic Probation. The student will be required to meet with his or her counselor and plan the next semester with Satisfactory Academic Standing as a goal. The student will be restricted to a maximum of 14 credits or four (4) courses, and the counselor’s signature is required for registration. If, at the end of the first semester of Academic Probation, the student achieves Satisfactory Academic Standing, the Academic Probation period ends. If, at the end of the first semester of Academic Probation, the student does not achieve Satisfactory Academic Standing, the student continues for another semester on Academic Probation.
If, at the end of the second semester of Academic Probation, the student still does not achieve Satisfactory Academic Standing, the student may continue for a third semester of Academic Probation if they fall into one of the following categories:
1. The student has fewer than 32 degree credits successfully completed and in the second semester of probation, successfully completes* 100% of credits attempted and earns at least a 2.0 Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) for degree credits attempted.
2. The student has at least 32 degree credits successfully completed and in the second semester of probation, successfully completes* 100% of credits attempted and earns at least a 2.3 Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) for degree credits attempted.
*Successful completion includes grades of D or higher.
D. Academic Suspension
A student who has been on Academic Probation and has not achieved Satisfactory Academic Standing by the end of the probation period will be suspended from the College for at least one full semester (Fall or Spring). The suspended student will not be permitted to attend any intervening Winterim or Summer terms. Once the Academic Suspension period has expired, the student may return to the College under the conditions specified in F. Reinstatement after Suspension or Dismissal.
E. Appeal of Academic Suspension
A student placed on academic suspension may appeal the suspension, based on extraordinary circumstances, through the following process:
The student must meet with a counselor within seven (7) days of notification of suspension and discuss the reason for the appeal. The counselor supports or denies the appeal. If the counselor supports the appeal: The student must write a letter to the Director-Student Affairs & Support Services explaining in full the basis for the appeal, the extenuating circumstances, and a plan for academic sucess. All appropriate documentation must be included. The Director must receive this letter, along with a letter of support from the counselor, within ten (10) days following notification of suspension.
Within ten (10) days following notification of suspension, the student must make an appointment to meet with the Director-Student Affairs & Support Services. The Director will make a determination on the appeal. The results will be forwarded to the counselor and the Registration Office. The Director’s office will notify the student of the results within seven (7) days of the meeting. The decision of the Director is Final.
The student who successfully appeals the suspension may return to the college on Conditional Reinstatement. The student is governed by the conditions outlined in F. Reinstatement after Suspension or Dismissal.
F. Reinstatement after Suspension or Dismissal
A student who is reinstated after Academic Suspension or Academic Dismissal will be required to meet with a counselor and plan the next semester with Satisfactory Academic Standing as a goal. The counselor’s signature is required for registration. Upon reinstatement, the student will be placed on Conditional Reinstatement and will have, with the exceptions noted below, one semester to achieve Satisfactory Academic Standing.
Students who do not achieve Satisfactory Academic Standing in the semester following reinstatement will remain under Conditional Reinstatement until they have attempted 14 additional degree credits if they fall into one of the following categories:
1. The student has fewer than 32 degree credits successfully completed and in the semester of reinstatement successfully completes* 100% of credits attempted and earns at least a 2.0 Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) for degree credits attempted.
2. The student has at least 32 degree credits successfully completed and in the semester of reinstatement successfully completes* 100% of credits attempted and earns at least a 2.3 Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) for degree credits
*Successful completion includes grades of D or higher.
G. Academic Dismissal
A student who has returned after Academic Suspension must meet the conditions outlines in F. Reinstatement after Suspension or Dismissal. If these conditions are not et, the student is placed on Academic Dismissal for a minimum period of one full year. Once the minimum period for Academic Dismissal is over, the student may submit a written request for reinstatement to the Dean of Students.
If the student does not return for three or more years, the student may apply for Academic Amnesty (College Regulation 5.0014R).
H. Appeal for Reinstatement
A student in Academic Dismissal may appeal for reinstatement in writing to the Dean of Student Development. The appeal letter must be received at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of the next long semester. The student must explain in full the basis for the appeal, any extenuating circumstances, and a plan for academic success.
The Appeal for Reinstatement will be judged by an Academic Review Committee composed of:
Dean of Academic Affairs (or designee)
Dean of Enrollment Development and Student Affairs (or designee)
Division Chair of Counseling (or designee)
Director of Student Affairs and Support Services (or designee)
Registrar (or designee)
Two Division Chairs
Two Faculty
The Academic Review Committee must have 60% of its members present to act on an appeal.
The Academic Review Committee may grant an Appeal for Reinstatement by majority vote. The committee will notify the student in writing of its decision at least one week prior to the start of the semester for which the student wishes to register. The decision of the Academic Review Committee is final.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Executive Vice President, Educational/Student and Outreach Services
Approved: President 3/9/76
Effective: 3/9/76
Revised: 11/10/77
Approved: President 5/2/78
Effective: 7/1/78
Approved: President 7/29/80
Effective: 5/12/80
Revised: 4/21/83
Approved: President 11/2/83
Effective: 1/17/84
Revised: 10/24/00
Approved: 5/7/01
Effective: 5/7/01
Revised: 3/4/03
Approved: President 6/11/03
Revised: 5/4/04
Approved: President 6/04