Disclaimer: The content on this webpage appears as a courtesy to site visitors and is for general informational purposes only. To obtain a copy of the official applicable policy or regulation, please contact Brookdale’s Public Records Custodian via the Public Records webpage of the Brookdale website at https://www.brookdalecc.edu/about/public-records
I. Title of Policy
Solicitation, Acceptance and Deaccessioning of Gifts and/or Donations
II. Objective of Policy
Outlining the authority of Brookdale Community College, in conjuction with the President and/or the Vice President of Advancement and the Brookdale Foundation, to solicit gifts or donations in support of the College, and to deaccession previously donated gifts and/or donations (i.e. books, collections, art works) based on legal necessities, their current and potential usefulness, and management requirements and consistent with the Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Priorities and Goals of the College.
III. Authority
New Jersey State Statutes — County Colleges, 18A:64A-12K (General Powers of Boards); United States Office of Management and Budget Circular A‐133; Public Law 101‐121.
IV. Policy Statement
A gift or donation is a voluntary and irrevocable transfer of money, property or other assets made by a donor (individual, organization, business corporations, or other legal entity) without any expectation or receipt of direct economic benefit or any other tangible compensation (i.e. goods and services) from the donee.
The gift or donation must not be in conflict with any provision of College Policy, public law or the Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Priorities and Goals of the College. Under no circumstance will the College accept a gift or donation from any donor who engages in practices or policies which discriminate against any person defined to be in a protected class under any federal or state statute or regulation. Gifts and donations will be accepted on behalf of the College by the President and require approval of the Board of Trustees before being accepted on behalf of the College. Gifts and donations bestowed to the Foundation will be accepted by the VP, Advancement.
The Office of Advancement is responsible for all gift and donation activities, therefore all gift or donation solicitation activities affiliated with the Brookdale Community College shall be coordinated through the Office of Advancement. This encompasses all forms of solicitation including written grant applications, direct‐mail campaigns, and verbal requests by faculty, staff, students, and student organizations.
Deaccessioning of Gifts and/or Donations
Deaccessioning is the process by which objects of value (such as works of art, artifacts, rare books, historical documents, and other similar materials) are permanently removed from the College’s collections. Deaccessioning is a necessary component of collections management and development. Deaccessioning, in certain circumstances, is a continuum of archival practice, and a regular part of the College’s collections management. Its purpose is to enhance the quality, integrity, and identity of a collection without violating legal or ethical obligations.
The deaccessioning process will include, but not be limited to, transparency of reasons and documentation of receipt and/or transfer. All records regarding deaccessioned property shall be kept in accordance with the records retention schedules of the New Jersey Division of Archives & Records Management, Trenton, New Jersey.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
President and/or Vice President of Advancement
Approved: Board of Trustee 3/23/70
Original title: Development and Acceptance of Gifts and Grants
Revised: 11/1/79
Approved: 19 November 2015
Approved: Board of Trustees, 4/25/2023
Original title: Development and Acceptance of Gifts and Grants
The original policy has been split into two separate policies:
2.0000‐A Solicitation, Acceptance and Deaccessioning of Gifts and/or Donations
2.0000‐B Application and Acceptance of Grants
See also:
Brookdale Community College Foundation Gifts Procedures
2.0000‐B Application and Acceptance of Grants
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