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I. Title of Regulation
Substitution for Required Courses
II. Objective of Regulation
To provide students with the option of taking other courses, in place of those required as part of their program.
III. Authority
Board of Trustees Bylaws 1.3034 (m)
IV. Regulation Statement
Brookdale Community College recognizes that students may sometimes have a need, for various reasons, to seek substitution for required courses in order to further their educational program. To accommodate such special need, the College establishes the following procedure:
1. The student reviews his course selection with his Student Development Specialist.
2. The Academic Division Deans and Department Chairpersons may then substitute, in consultation with concerned department representatives, another Brookdale course for any required course.
3. The total number of credits required in career courses, or otherwise, will not be affected, but only the courses through which the total required number of credits is reached.
4. Approvals will be given on the proper form, which the student obtains from their Student Development Specialist and fills out for such approval.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Executive Vice President for Educational Services
Approved: President 4/2/74
Effective: 4/2/74
Revised: 9/1/75
Revised: 4/94
Effective: 4/94
Updated: 2/09