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I. Title of Regulation
Involvement of Support Services in Program and/or Project Commitments
II. Objective of Regulation
III. Authority
IV. Regulation Statement
Each unit of the College is a vital component of Brookdale and is of major importance in making it possible for the College to implement its philosophical commitment to serving the entire community. However, in its efforts to provide services, a unit must rely on support from other College offices. Such support requires scheduling production and allocating human, physical, and financial resources. In order that this will occur in an efficient and effective manner so as to make it possible for Brookdale Community College to fulfill its responsibilities and commitments, the following will apply:
A. The initiator or director of a program and/or project requiring support from other College units will have the responsibility of identifying those support units and contacting them prior to making a commitment that will require such support.
B. Commitments that are made subsequent to consultation as indicated above will reflect the decisions made during such consultation.
C. When required support services are unavailable because of existing priorities, commitments, and/or limited resources, the Officer of the College responsible for the division requesting support will meet with the Officer of the College in whose division support service is requested and determine appropriate action.
Adopted: President 1/5/72