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I. Title of Regulation

3.9008R Code of Ethics for Employees Regulation

II. Objective of Regulation

To establish a Code of Ethics Regulation for the conduct of all Brookdale Community College (“College”) employees.

III. Authority

N.J.S.A. 18A:3B-14(e); N.J.S.A 18A:64A-12 (o); Brookdale Board of Trustees Policy 3.9008 Code of Ethics for Employees; Local Government Ethics Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:9- 22.6

IV. Regulation Statement

A. Regulation Purpose

  1. To establish appropriate guidelines for conduct by all employees.
  2. To avoid conflicts of interest and to guarantee that all full-time employees shall devote primary responsibility to their duties and obligations at the Coll

B. Code of Ethics

  1. No employee will have any interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, or engage in any business or transaction or professional activity, undertake any employment, whether compensated or not, which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of the employee’s duties or might reasonably be expected to impair the objectivity and independence of judgment in the exercise of duties to the College.
  2. No employee will use, or allow to be used, his or her position at the College, or any information not generally available to members of the public, which the employee receives in the course of or by reason of the employee’s office or employment, to secure financial gain, unwarranted privileges, advantages or employment for himself or herself, his or her immediate family members, or any other person or party.
  3. No employee will use, or allow to be used, the resources of the College (i.e., computers, programs, telecommunications equipment, offices or office equipment and supplies) to secure financial gain for himself or herself or any other person or party. No employee will conduct business or other interests at the College that is not directly related to the Mission of the College.
  4. No employee will act in his or her official capacity in any College matter where the employee or an immediate family* member of the employee has a direct or indirect interest that might reasonably be expected to impair the employee’s objectivity or independence of judgment.
  5. No employee will directly supervise, or supervise at a second level, a member of his or her own family*. It is the intent of the College to avoid instances that could be influenced by the family relationship in hiring, performance evaluation, promotion, reclassification, discipline, grievance, or dismissal processes.  Likewise, no faculty member/instructional staff in any capacity will teach a member of his or her own family* unless such prohibition would deny the student access to a College program of study.  In that case only, the Provost/Vice President, Academic Affairs has the discretion to make an exception and will determine parameters to be observed to ensure fair and impartial assessment and grading.  All employees are strictly prohibited from influencing any employment and/or academic action of family members enrolled as students or employed by the College.
  6. No employee will accept from any person, directly or indirectly, or through another person or party, any gift, favor, service, employment or other things of value under circumstances from which it might be inferred that the gift will influence the employee in the discharge of his or her duties at the College. Nevertheless, officers and employees, during the course of their official duties, may accept meals which are offered as part of a meeting or event so long as all attendees of such meeting or event are also provided such meals.
  7. No employee will act as an agent or representative of the College in any capacity or enter into contracts on behalf of the College without the knowledge, approval and authorization of the College.
  8. No employee will knowingly act in any way that might reasonably be expected to create, among the public having knowledge of their acts, an impression or suspicion that they may be engaged in conduct violating their trust as public officers or employees.
  9. No employee will engage in an amorous, physical, and/or romantic relationship with any student for whom the employee has a professional responsibility as teacher, advisor, evaluator, or supervisor or may otherwise be in a position to exercise influence over the student unless that officer or employee is presently married and/or in a civil-union/domestic partner relationship with the student.  Any employee engaged in an amorous, physical, and/or romantic relationship with a co-worker (outside prohibited supervisory relationships as noted in #5 above) or an independent contractor will immediately report such relationship to the Associate Vice President of Human Resources and the employee’s immediate supervisor, providing independent written confirmation that the relationship is consensual.
  10. No employee required to do so will refuse to complete the Financial Disclosure form required by law.
  11. No full-time employee of the College will engage in continuing outside employment without prior approval from the Vice President or the highest-level supervisor below the President in the division, or from the President for employees who reporting directly to the President. No full-time employee of the College will be approved for continuing outside employment that (a) constitutes a conflict of interest, (b) occurs at a time when the employee is expected to perform his or her assigned duties, or (c) diminishes the employee’s efficiency in performing his or her primary work obligation. Full-time employees will complete and submit the Outside Employment Form within thirty (30) days of employment and at least annually thereafter. If outside employment status or hours will change from what was approved, it must be submitted for prior approval.
  12. Employees will not violate any federal, state or local law and are required to adhere to College policies, regulations and procedures. Accordingly, every employee is required to know, understand and comply with legal and College requirements, which includes, but is not limited to, timely completion of the College’s Annual Compliance Training.


*Family members are immediate family (spouse, civil union or domestic partner, child, parent, sibling), relatives who are identified by familial relationship names (ex: grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, niece/nephew) and those related by marriage (ex: in- law, stepchild/stepparent).

V. Responsibility for Implementation

President and Officers of the College

Approved: 5/98
Revised: 2/19/07
Revision Approved: President, 03/06/19
Revision Approved: President – 11/01/2021
Revision Approved: President – 10/18/2022
Revision Approved: President, 9/6/2023
Revision Approved: President – 8/16/2024

PDF Regulation 3.9008R Code of Ethics for Employees

PDF Report of Continuing Outside Employment Form for Faculty

PDF Report of Continuing Outside Employment Form for Staff and Administrators