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I. Title of Regulation

Special Project Courses

II. Objective of Regulation

To provide an avenue for individual learning on the part of students through the accomplishment of special projects for credit and thus to further Brookdale’s philosophy of individualization of instruction.

III. Authority

Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, Section 1.3034(m)

IV. Regulation Statement

All Brookdale courses listed in the catalog may, with faculty approval, be pursued in a personalized and independent mode.

In addition, students may pursue unique interests and concerns which are not contained in regular college courses. Such interests and concerns may be pursued through the accomplishment of special projects for credit.

A special project course is one which the student, with approval, accomplishes a particular project for college credit. The objectives to be achieved in the special project are designed by the student with faculty approval.

The following steps must be adhered to:

A. The student registers for a special project course in the appropriate content area during the registration period.

B. The student meets with the faculty member in order to develop and agree upon the project. The credits to be earned are determined by the extent and nature of the project, with the approved credit limits indicated in the catalog. The project is described on the proper form which is signed by the student and the faculty member.

C. The student requests the Department Chairperson to review the project agreement and initial it.

D. The student takes the project agreement to the Academic Division Dean for approval. The Academic Division Dean approves the special project by signing the form. The Academic Division Dean distributes the copies as indicated on the form.

E. The Office of Registration and Records retains a copy of the agreement in the student’s file.

F. If the student cannot secure appropriate approval during the Add/drop period of the term for which the student is registering, he/she should select a substitute course.

G. No credit is granted if at any time it is found that the project duplicates work for which the same student has earned previous credit.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Executive Vice President for Educational Services

Approved: President 10/18/77
Effective: 10/17/77
Revised: 4/94
Effective: 4/94
Updated: 3/09