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I. Title of Regulation

Separation Reports

II. Objective of Regulation

To ensure uniformity regarding the termination of non-academic staff employees.

III. Authority

Board of Trustees

IV. Regulation Statement

An Employee Separation Report form will be completed by the employee’s supervisor and reviewed and approved by the appropriate College Officer whenever regular full-time or regular part-time employees separate from College employment.

The supervisor will indicate on the Employee Separation Report for the “reason for separation” and whether the employee is eligible for rehire. The form will be sent to Diversity Management for review, and to the President’s Office for review and signature.

The form will then be sent to the Human Resources Department for scheduling an “exit interview” including the explanation of all COBRA and health and dental conversion options as well as pension plan options.

The Employee Separation Report will be filed in the employee’s personnel file for the appropriate retention period.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

College Officers

Approved: 4/23/71
Revised: 5/98