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I. Title of Regulation

Campus Tours and Visits

II. Objective of Regulation

Citizens of Monmouth County and others will be invited and encouraged to visit the Brookdale Community College campuses. The Office of Community Services will maintain a service which will coordinate escorts and information.

III. Authority

Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, Section 1.3034(h)

IV. Regulation Statement

The following guidelines will be adhered to:

A. Arrangements for all campus tours and visits will be the responsibility of the Office of Community Services.

B. The Office of Community Services will coordinate the conduct of all campus tours and visits with the Office of Facilities, when applicable.

C. The Office of Community Services will arrange for campus tour guides and, when appropriate, provide special arrangements and/or presentations.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

The Vice President for Educational Services

Approved: President
Effective: 3/24/70
Revised: 9/1/75