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I. Title of Policy
II. Objective of Policy
To establish guidelines for the investment of College funds.
III. Authority
Board of Trustees Bylaws and New Jersey Statute 18A:64A-12 and 18A:3B-6.
III. Policy Statement
The implementation and administration of the College’s investment portfolio is the responsibility of the chief financial officer (CFO) as authorized by the president. The primary objective of the investment policy is to ensure that the College’s excess funds are continuously identified and invested prudently and in accordance with the Board of Trustees’ fiduciary responsibility and regulations and statutes issued by the State of New Jersey.
Authorized signatories shall be the president and the chief financial officer. The president shall establish procedures for the investment of excess funds, and the Board of Trustees shall be kept apprised of all investments and proceeds.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Approved: 8/1/68
Revised: 10/24/96
Approved: Board of Trustees, 1/28/2025