Disclaimer: The content on these webpages appears as a courtesy to site visitors and is for general informational purposes only. To obtain a copy of the official applicable policy or regulation, please contact Brookdale’s Public Records Custodian via the Public Records webpage of the Brookdale website at https://www.brookdalecc.edu/about/public-records
I. Title of Regulation
Posting of Faculty Names for Scheduled Courses
II. Objective of Regulation
To make students aware of faculty assignments to sections and courses.
III. Authority
Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, Section 1.3034(m)
IV. Regulation Statement
A. The posting of names of faculty applies to Division sponsored courses only.
B. Posting shall take place in Admissions and Records, at Student Development locations and at the Warner Student Life Center.
C. All sections assigned to full-time faculty as part of regular contract should be listed with faculty names.
D. The work “staff” may be used for other sections.
E. Process:
1. When the Master Schedule material is submitted by the departments to the Academic Division Dean, the departments will provide the names of the faculty assigned to the various sections.
2. The Academic Division Deans will transmit this information to the Registrar not later than one week prior to the opening of each registration period.
3. The Registrar is responsible for posting faculty names.
4. As changes are made in faculty assignments, the departments will so indicate to the Academic Division Deans who will be responsible to inform the Registrar of such changes.
5. Each posting notice will include the statement: SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Executive Vice President for Educational Services
Approved: President 11/13/79
Effective: 1/1/80
Updated: 3/09