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I. Title of Regulation

Cell Phone and Mobile Device Allowance

II. Objective of Policy

To establish a monetary allowance for the use of personal cell phones/mobile devices, data, text, and talk plans, for conducting College business. The regulation simplifies payment and record keeping and allows the College to move toward compliance with IRS Regulations associated with personal use of College-issued cell phones and mobile devices.

Ill. Authority

B.O.T. Policy 4.3000 Expenditures and Payment of College Funds

IV. Regulation Statement

Brookdale Community College shall issue a cell phone/mobile device, text, data, talk plan allowance to staff identified as critical to the continuance of daily operations. The monthly taxable allowance shall be issued through payroll and shall not constitute an increase in pay. It is not used in the calculation of base pay and is not subject to retirement deductions or contributions.

The Cabinet member within each area of responsibility will recommend staff for allowances; the Vice President for Business and Finance and the President will authorize the allowance toward the personal wireless communication device.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Vice President for Business & Finance

Approved: President
Effective: 11 April 2013
Attachment: Cell Phone Allowance Tiers
Effective April 2013


PDF Regulation 4.3100R Cell Phones and Mobile Devices