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I. Title of Regulation
Delegation of Authority for Business and Finance
II. Objective of Regulation
To delegate authority for supervision of all business and finance functions of the College and to designate as Chief Financial Officer of the College the Vice President for Business and Finance.
III. Authority
N.J.S. 18A:64A-12(o); Bylaws of Board of Trustees 1.3034
IV. Regulation Statement
The President, as chief executive officer of the College, is responsible to the Board of Trustees for the proper conduct of all business functions of the College. The authority to supervise these functions is delegated to the Vice President for Business and Finance,
who will be designated as the Chief Financial Officer of the College.
The Regulations following, and procedures, standards and guidelines related thereto, have been developed to assist in carrying out these functions.
The following functions of the College are included in this section of the Regulations:
A. College Revenue
B. General Purchasing
C. Expenditures
D. Investments
E. Budget
F. Financial Reporting
G. Miscellaneous Business and Finance Operations
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Vice President for Business and Finance
Approved: President
Effective: 10/15/68
Revised: 9/1/75