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I. Title of Regulation
Interdisciplinary Courses
II. Objective of Regulation
To define interdisciplinary courses and provide guidelines for their implementation.
III. Authority
Board of Trustees Bylaws
IV. Regulation Statement
A. Interdisciplinary courses are developed and taught by two or more faculty members from different disciplines who join forces to design curricula that reflect a multiplicity of disciplines in an integrated manner.
B. When planning interdisciplinary courses, faculty will secure approval of appropriate departments and divisions.
C. Interdisciplinary courses are to be distinguished from those that may be multidimensional in various ways, but which are taught by one instructor or by members of the same discipline.
D. Interdisciplinary courses will be identified with either an IDST or HONR code and assigned to departments by the Executive Vice President. Previously approved IDST courses will continue in force.
E. In the catalog, IDST or HONR courses will be listed in appropriate places, with the departmental courses and with other interdisciplinary courses as a group.
F. The Executive Vice President for Educational Services will determine the appropriate compensation and opportunity for interdisciplinary course development and instruction.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Executive Vice President for Educational Services
Revised: 12/94
Revised: 1/95
Approved: 1/95
Updated: 3/09