The 3.0000 series of college policies govern the Human Resources actions of Brookdale Community College; please select a specific policy.

Disclaimer: The content on these webpages appears as a courtesy to site visitors and is for general informational purposes only. To obtain a copy of the official applicable policy or regulation, please contact Brookdale’s Public Records Custodian via the Public Records webpage of the Brookdale website at

3.0001 Staffing and Hiring

3.0002 Non-Represented Employees

3.0003 Employees with Disabilities

3.0004 Conducting Background Checks Policy

3.1000 Adjunct Faculty Employment

3.1001 Adjunct Faculty Terms and Conditions of Employment

3.3000 Employment Pending Board Approval

3.3002 Grant Funded Positions

3.4001 College Interns

3.5000 Tenure of Faculty (Non-Adjunct)

3.6000 Compensation

3.9001 Multi-Year Contracts for Administrative Staff

3.9002 Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination

3.9005 Faculty Reduction in Force

3.9006 Drug-Free Workplace and Campus

3.9008 Code of Ethics for Employees

3.9009 Involuntary Administrative Leave

3.9010 Indemnification of Employees for Exemplary or Punitive Damages