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I. Title of Regulation
Development and Acceptance of Gifts and Grants
II. Objective of Regulation
To facilitate an orderly and effective process to assist the College in seeking funds or gifts-in-kind from granting agencies or other outside sources to meet identified College needs; and to insure that the process of solicitation and acceptance of such grants and gifts is consistent with Board Policy.
III. Authority
IV. Regulation Statement
In order to meet the objective of this regulation, the following will be adhered to:
A. Gifts
Gifts are defined as voluntary contributions in cash or in kind, solicited or unsolicited, proffered to the College by individuals, organizations, business corporations or other legal entities. Gifts will be accepted on behalf of the College only by the Board of Trustees, or by the President at his discretion if the gift is in no way conditioned upon performance of any obligation by the College.
Acceptance of a gift will be based upon determination of two factors:
Desirability of the gift in relation to College needs;
Nature and degree of obligation that acceptance of the gift imposes on the College.
In the case of unsolicited gifts, the staff member to whom the gift is proffered will, prior to agreeing to accept the gift, complete a “Gift Acceptance” form giving specific information as to the nature of the gift, its relationship to College needs, the source of the gift and other pertinent information with particular regard for details of conditions of acceptance. The “Gift Acceptance” form will be processed through the Grants and Institutional Development Office and a recommendation made to the President to accept the gift or to refuse it.
Staff members who wish to solicit gifts for specific purposes related to their area of responsibility will obtain approval of the President before approaching potential donors. This approval may be obtained by completion of the “Gift Solicitation” form which will be processed through the Grants and Institutional Development Office and a recommendation made to the President. The generation of funds through benefits, the sale of advertising in publications, and similar fund raising activities are construed as solicited gifts.
B. Grants
Grants are defined as funds received by the College from governmental or foundation sources for specific projects, programs or activities.
The Grants and Institutional Development Office will assist any staff members in the initiation of the process for seeking a grant. No grant application will be submitted to a possible funding source without the approval of the President.
The following steps will be mandatory in seeking approval for submission of a grant application in the name of the College:
The “Approval for Proposal Development” form will be completed by the project initiator as far in advance as possible and in no case later than ten working days prior to the deadline for submission of the application.
In any case in which the proposal will request more than $10,000 in agency funds, the “Approval for Proposal Development” form will be completed no later than the 10th day of the month prior to the month in which the deadline for submission falls so that Board of Trustees approval may be obtained as required.
Upon submission of the “Approval for Proposal Development” form to the Grants and Institutional Development Office, a “Proposal Control Number” will be assigned and a schedule for development of the proposal agreed upon in consultation with the initiator. At this point the wording of the proposal title will be finalized and an internal “Proposal Cover Sheet” established.
The cover sheet will be the control document for the rest of the submission process and will carry all required sign-offs, including the President’s final approval for submission to the funding agency.
Deviations from timelines indicated above must be approved by the President. Acceptance of grants on behalf of the College will be by the President only or by the Board of Trustees if that is a requirement of the granting agency. All contracts and other grant documents that commit the College in any way will be signed by the President.
Upon receipt of the Notice of Award from the funding agency, such document will be immediately turned over to the Grants and Institutional Development Office. That office will promptly notify all appropriate offices and convene a meeting of the project director, the budget unit head under whom the project is to be carried out, the Accounting Supervisor responsible for agency funds and any additional staff members who may have responsibilities related to the grant. The purpose of this meeting will be to evaluate the conditions of the award in relation to the proposal as submitted.
Following this meeting the Director of Grants and Institutional Development will recommend to the President acceptance or rejection of the grant.
Negotiation of grant agreement with the funding agency will be carried out under the direction of the Director, Grants and Institutional Development. Upon execution of the grant agreement, the Grants and Institutional Development will establish a “Grant Management Control” form that will identify checkpoints to assure that the College adheres to all provisions of the grant agreement and all pertinent law. At the termination of the grant period, regardless of what reports may be required by the funding agency, the project director will make a final written report on the project to the President within sixty days.
The Grants and Institutional Development Office will submit a comprehensive monthly Grant Status Report to the President.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Director, Grants and Institutional Development
Approved: President 2/10/81
Effective: 2/10/81
Updated: 2/09