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I. Title of Policy
5.0003 Institutional and Specialized Program Accreditation, Approval, or Certification
II. Objective of Policy
In order to strengthen and sustain quality and integrity in the learning and instruction process, the College shall seek continued accreditation from an accredited agency recognized by the US Department of Education.
III. Authority
Title IV Higher Education Opportunity Act 2008; 20 U.S.C. Chapter 28, Subchapter IV: Student Assistance; N.J.S.A. 9A; N.J.S.A. 18A, NJ Administrative Code, Title 9A, Chapter 1 (9A:1-1.3 Licensure)
IV. Policy Statement
Institutional accreditation affirms educational quality and commitment to continual improvement. Institutional accreditation is one of the requirements related to Title IV program participation and licensure in the state of NJ. Specialized program accreditation, approval, or certification benefits students in their pursuit of employment in specified professions.
The NJ Administrative Code refers to “accreditation” and “accredited” as a status attained by an institution through voluntarily meeting standards for academic degree programs and/or college credit-bearing courses set by a nongovernmental entity recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education.
Specialized accreditation of certain programs of the College shall be sought when appropriate if the resources necessary for compliance supports the benefits to students’ educational and professional success.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Approved: Sept 1980
Revised: July 2001
Revised: Feb 2016
Lodged: Feb 2016
Approved: March 2016
Approved: 2/22/2022 – previously named Institutional and Specialized Program Accreditation