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I. Title of Regulation
Establishment of Board Policies and College Regulations
II. Objective of Regulation
To achieve uniformity in the formulation, presentation and implementation of Board Policies and College Regulations.
III. Authority
Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, Section 1.0000
IV. Regulation Statement
A. Board Policy
1. Definition
Board Policy represents “legislative policy” as expressed in the official minutes of the Board of Trustees in the form of broad authorization or prohibition. A Board Policy is a written general statement approved by the Board of Trustees regarding the delegation to the President of broad authority to take discretionary action in a specific area. A Board policy normally concerns itself with general outlines of guidance which transcend time or personality; hence, it changes rarely. A Board Policy will be binding on the part of the Administration and will be preceded by the word, “shall.”
2. Initiation
Any member of the Board of Trustees, student body, faculty, staff or administration, and the appropriate internal College Governance mechanism, may initiate a policy recommendation or revision at any time by submitting it, with rationale, in writing to the College President.
3. Review and Recommendation
The President may request further Governance review; review by an Advisory or Ad Hoc Committee and/or the President’s Cabinet. Input from the Board, faculty, staff, and student governance bodies will be sought for all significant policy changes or additions. Policy recommendations will be reviewed by the President, who will recommend approval to the Board, as appropriate.
4. Approval for Submission to the Board
Approval of a proposed Board Policy for submission to the Board will be by the President.
5. Lodging of Proposed Board Policy
After a proposed Policy has been approved by the President, and having been recommended to the Board for adoption, after appropriate discussion by the Board, it will be lodged at a meeting of the Board of Trustees.
6. Adoption by Board of Trustees and Distribution
After a Policy has been adopted by the Board of Trustees, the Executive Assistant to the President will be responsible for distribution.
7. Format for Board Policies
a. The format for a Board Policy will be as follows:
a. The heading
Proposed Policy Number
Policy Number
b. The body of the policy will carry the following captions:
I. Title of Policy
II. Objective of Policy
(This should be a statement of the results to be accomplished.)
III. Authority
(Reference should be made to a particular section of the New Jersey Statutes governing County Colleges, the Rules and Regulations of the
Commission on Higher Education, or the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees.)
IV. Policy Statement
V. Responsibility for Implementation
(The President is responsible for implementing Board Policies.)
c. The following will appear at the bottom of the policy:
Approved: Board of Trustees
B. College Regulation
1. Definition
College Regulations represent “administrative policy” and indicate the authority delegated by the President for the day-to-day operation of the College.
A College Regulation is a written, specific statement relative to the delegation by the President to an administrative area the responsibility for implementing Board Policy in a particular set of circumstances.
A College Regulation will be binding on the administration and will be preceded by the word “will,” and could include systematic steps to describe the methods, processes, and forms to be used in the accomplishment of tasks.
2. Initiation
Any member of the student body, faculty, staff or administration may initiate a proposed College Regulation or a revision of an existing College Regulation at any time by submitting a request in writing to the President. Proposals for regulation revision from College Governance will be forwarded to the President by the appropriate College Governance mechanism.
3. Review and Recommendation
College Regulations created and/or revised through the internal College Governance procedure must be reviewed by the appropriate Officer of the College. The President may request further Governance review; review by an Advisory or Ad Hoc Committee, and/or the President’s Cabinet.
4. Approval and Distribution
Approval of a College Regulation will be by the President following review and recommendations by the process indicated in Section 3, above.
5. Format for College Regulations
a. The format for a College Regulation will be as follows:
a. The heading
Proposed Regulation Number
Regulation Number
b. The body of the regulation will carry the following captions:
I. Title of Regulation
II. Objective of Regulation
(This should be a statement of the results to be accomplished.)
III. Authority
(Reference should be made to a particular section of the Commission on Higher Education, the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees or a particular
Board Policy.)
IV. Regulation Statement
V. Responsibility for Implementation
(Officers of the College are responsible for the implementation of College Regulations. The title of the appropriate Officer should be inserted here.)
c. The following will appear at the bottom of the regulation:
Approved: President
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Officers of the College
Approved: President 4/22/75
Revised: 9/1/75
February 2014
Approved: Feb. 2014