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I. Title of Policy

3.3000 Employment Pending Board Approval

II. Objective of Policy

The authority to appoint full-time personnel on a contingent basis pending Board approval shall be given to the President.

III. Authority

New Jersey Statutes: County Colleges, 18A:64A-1 et. seq; and Bylaws Section 1.3054.

IV. Policy Statement

The President is authorized to commence temporary employment of personnel, contingent on Board of Trustees approval at its next regularly scheduled meeting, whenever the President, in his/her sole discretion, deems such employment necessary for educationally sound reasons and/or the smooth and efficient operation of the College. Compensation for such employment shall be paid on a per diem rate consistent with the salary to be recommended to the Board. No offer of employment, letter of appointment, or benefits associated with full-time personnel shall become effective until the date of appointment by the Board of Trustees unless governed by law. Should the Board not approve the recommendation of full-time employment, the temporary employment relationship shall cease.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

President and Board of Trustees

Approved: 5/18/1970
Revision Lodged: Board of Trustees, 11/14/2017
Revised: Board of Trustees, 12/19/2017
Approved: Board of Trustees, 2/28/2023


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