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I. Title of Regulation
Provision of Reasonable Accommodations for Credit and Non-Credit Students
II. Objective of Regulation
To provide self-identified students with documented disabilities, approved by the Office that administers accessibility services and disability accommodations, reasonable accommodations for equitable access to education on a case-by-case basis.
III. Authority
Board of Trustees Policy 6.1001
IV. Regulation Statement
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) states that a “person with a disability” is someone with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. A person is considered to be a person with a disability if he/she has a disability, has a record of the disability, or is regarded as having the disability. The institution will make a good-faith effort to provide reasonable accommodations on a case-by-case basis. However, the institution does not provide personal devices, such as wheelchairs; individually prescribed devices, such a hearing aids; or services of a personal nature, including assistance in eating, toileting, or dressing.
It is the responsibility of persons with permanent or temporary disabilities to identify themselves and request reasonable accommodations through the process defined in the procedures of the Office that administers disability accommodations.
In order to receive reasonable accommodations, all students with permanent or temporary disabilities must provide documentation of their disabilities and need for accommodation(s). Brookdale reserves the right to request more specific documentation or additional documentation if necessary to establish support for the request for accommodations.
Brookdale Community College does not provide medical or learning disability evaluation for documentation of disability.
It is the legal right of the student to exercise personal discretion in the disclosure of individual disability information. Access to information will be limited to those selected by the student or those authorized in written form by the student to be given information. The institution reserves the right to determine who has a need to know when safety issues at the institution are involved.
It is not the sole responsibility of the Office that provides disability accommodations to provide reasonable accommodations, but rather to assist all units of the College in meeting their mandated 6.1004R responsibilities. It is expected that all employees of the College will provide assistance if it is requested of them and they have been notified that reasonable accommodations are recommended by the Office that provides disability accommodations based on the documentation of disability.
A faculty member or instructor is required to provide reasonable accommodations if notification of a student’s documented need has been received and the accommodations do not jeopardize the integrity of the course/activity. Determination of whether or not an accommodation jeopardizes the integrity of the course/activity will be made jointly by the Dean, the Department Chairperson, the faculty member, and the Director of Accessibility Services. The College reserves the right to deny accommodations under circumstances that may jeopardize the requirements of the course, program or activity.
Students with disabilities are expected to use the reasonable accommodations responsibly. Brookdale Community College’s Student Conduct Code and Academic Integrity Code apply to students with disabilities.
Students with disabilities have the right to file a grievance concerning any allegation of failure to comply with the laws, policies, and regulations as set forth for people with disabilities. Grievances shall be processed through the existing discrimination grievance policy and procedure for the College.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Chief Student Affairs Officer
Revised: Fall 1997
Approved: 12/97
Approved: 5/30/2023