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I. Title of Policy

3.5000 Tenure of Faculty (Non-Adjunct)

II. Objective of Policy

To comply with the provisions and requirements of the New Jersey Administrative Code regarding the granting of tenure to individuals employed by County Colleges.

III. Authority

New Jersey Administrative Code Section 9A:7-3.1 et seq.(Tenure Policies)

IV. Policy Statement

The Board of Trustees directs the President to ensure that any recommendation for granting tenure be forwarded to the Board only after the President has made a finding that there is substantial positive evidence provided in the tenure candidate’s Tenure Packet including but not limited to the candidate’s Curriculum Vitae, written evaluations, evidence of the candidate’s excellence in teaching, scholarly achievement, curriculum development, professional growth, and contributions to the College and community. Tenure is not an entitlement. The President shall recommend tenure to the Board of Trustees but the Board of Trustees shall approve or disapprove the tenure of all proposed tenure candidates.

The College reserves the right to deny tenure to any employee, for any reason, including but not limited to the College’s current or projected fiscal or operational needs.

V. Responsibility for Implementation


Approved: Board of Trustees 1/22/76
Revised: 6/27/96
Validated: 10/2017
Approved:  Board of Trustees, 8/22/2023

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