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I. Title of Policy
Student Conduct
II. Objective of Policy
To communicate expectations in terms of student conduct while on campus, at regional locations and at College sponsored events, activities and functions.
III. Authority
N.J.S.A. 18A:64A-12
Bylaws 1.2050 and 1.3054
IV. Policy Statement
At Brookdale Community College (“College”), a safe and effective learning environment is paramount to our students’ success. Therefore, the College shall develop appropriate rules to help ensure responsible student behavior and procedures that ensure due process to address student actions that violate the College’s established expectations.
As an educational institution, the College upholds the freedom to learn, to inquire, to dissent, to speak freely and to be heard, and to assemble and protest peacefully. The responsible enjoyment and exercise of these freedoms means respect for the rights of all and cannot permit infringement upon the rights of others or interference with the peaceful and lawful use and enjoyment of College resources.
While the specific expectations and procedures are outlined in the College’s Student Code of Conduct (6.3000R), the following general statements shall prevail relative to student conduct:
1. All students shall conduct themselves at the College or at College sponsored activities in a manner that does not disrupt or obstruct College operations or functions or infringe upon, or interfere with, the lawful exercise of the rights and freedoms of others. The President is authorized to employ the process of the criminal and civil law to terminate any campus disruption and to restore College functions in an effort to prevent injury to persons or property.
2. All Brookdale students must assume responsibility for their own conduct. Therefore, the President shall have the power to suspend or expel any student violating this Policy under procedures consistent with due process. In the event the College believes that an act implicates possible criminal wrongdoing, the College shall report same to the appropriate legal authority.
The President is responsible for administering this Policy within the framework of the foregoing principles and shall develop appropriate Regulations and administrative procedures to assure its implementation.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Approved: 10/29/69
Revised: 7/12/01
Approved: Board of Trustees, 12/17/2019