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I. Title of Regulation
Acquisition of Media
II. Objective of Regulation
To coordinate acquisition and distribution of media appropriate to the accomplishment of learning objectives.
III. Authority
Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, Section 1.3034(l)
IV. Regulation Statement
An appropriate collection of print and non-print media is essential to the implementation of the instructional philosophy. It will be the responsibility of the Executive Director of the Library to acquire and make available to students and faculty media appropriate to the accomplishment of learning objectives.
The selection of media will be the responsibility of the professional staff of the College. Acquisition, processing and circulation of media will be the responsibility of the Library staff.
All media acquired by the College will be ordered through the Library, using specified College purchasing procedures, and will become a part of the Library collection. Media will be located at the appropriate College Campus or Higher Education Center. Instructional media produced by the Instructional Development Laboratory will become a part of the Library collection.
V. Responsibility for Implementation
Executive Vice President for Educational Services
Adopted: President 12/17/71
Effective: 12/17/71
Revised: 9/1/75
Updated: 2/09