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I. Title of Policy

1.7070 Trustee Conduct

II. Objective of Policy

To articulate the referral process of reporting trustee misconduct to the appointing authority.

III. Authority

N.J.S.A. 18A:64-1 et seq.

IV. Policy Statement

A. Each Trustee shall uphold and fulfill the values, principles, duties and obligations set forth in these Bylaws, the College’s Mission Statement and N.J.S.A. 18A:64-1 et seq. Each Trustee further agrees to fulfill his or her responsibility to the residents of Monmouth County and the Brookdale Community College Community.  If an accusation is brought to the attention of the Board that a Trustee is not committed to or has violated any of the values, principles, duties or responsibilities as set forth above, the Board of Trustees may report such Trustee to the appointing authority for further action”. No fewer than (8) eight affirmative votes shall be required for the referral of the matter to the appointing authority.

B. If an accusation or complaint against a Trustee involves an alleged criminal violation of federal, state, or local law, then the Board attorney, in cooperation with the Chair of the Board and the President of the College, shall immediately refer the matter to the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office. If the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office finds that the complaint or accusation has merit and constitutes a potential criminal violation of the law, the Board shall: (1) immediately request said Trustee to take a leave of absence and (2) refer the matter to the appointing authority for action.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

Board of Trustees


Lodged: Board of Trustees, 11/27/2018 as Policy #1.2051
Approved: Board of Trustees, 12/18/2018

PDF Policy 1.7070 Trustee Conduct