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I. Title of Policy

2.7000 Fundraising

II. Objective of Policy

To define the scope of permissible fundraising activities at Brookdale Community College and to establish appropriate criteria for same.

III. Authority

N.J.S.A. 18A:64A-12 (General Powers of Boards)

IV. Policy Statement

A. The Office of Advancement is responsible for all fundraising activities, therefore, all fundraising activities affiliated with Brookdale Community College shall be coordinated through the Office of Advancement.

B. All fundraising efforts should be consistent with the Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Priorities and Goals of the College.

C. Acceptance of gifts shall not impose upon the College any obligation or condition not within the College’s best interest or permitted by statute, rule or regulation.

D. All gifts of cash, securities, real estate, equipment, services or other personal property shall be accepted in accordance with Policy 0000-A Solicitation, Acceptance and Deaccessioning of Gifts and/or Donations by the Brookdale Community College Foundation or Brookdale Community College Alumni Affairs as determined by the Office of Advancement.

E. The Office of Advancement shall annually report on all fundraising efforts to the Board of Trustees.

V. Responsibility for Implementation

President and Vice President of Advancement


Approved: 6/25/1992 Lodged: 9/25/2018

Approved: Board of Trustees,10/23/2018

Approved: Board of Trustees, 4/25/2023


PDF Policy 2.7000 Fundraising