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I. Title of Procedure
Signature Authority and Delegation of Signature Authority
II. Objective of Procedure
To standardize the signature authority delegation process to minimize financial, legal and related risks and to ensure that appropriate fiscal and management controls are in place.
III. Authority
BOT Bylaw 1.3034 Chief Executive Officer
BOT Policies, Regulations and Procedures concerning College processes (time sheets, PRs, etc), financial transactions and contracts, including but not limited to Contracts; Reporting and Purchasing Thresholds, Monthly Expense Reports
IV. Procedure
In the normal course of business, the President signs documents which become permanent records of the College and are considered “government records”. Individuals do not have the authority to enter into negotiations or approve or sign contracts with external entities that bind the College in any way unless they have;
1. Authority as set forth in the Board Bylaws or Board Policies;
2. A resolution of the Board of Trustees;
3. A valid designation of authority from the President, EVP, VP or Dean, and/or
4. A purchase made in accordance with Brookdale’s Contracts Policy and the Reporting and Purchasing Thresholds procedure.
5. Signature Authority granted by the President.
The President may designate employees to sign certain documents in their absence; however, the President, retains overall responsibility for matters or personnel under their supervision. An Authorized Signature Form must be completed which denotes personnel authorized to sign accounting documents for the President. Delegations are not to a specific individual but to a function and/or position. A person Acting or Interim assumes the same signing authority.
Designated approvers should sign their own names and the President’s name as in the following example:
Lois Morgan works for President Humphrey and she is a designated approver. She would sign as follows: “Lois Morgan for President Humphrey.”
Normal consultations, reviews and approvals are required to occur prior to signature commitments including, where appropriate, review by the President, EVP, VPs, Deans and/or College Counsel.
A person with delegated signature authority may not sign any document or obligate the College to an agreement in which he or she may have a significant personal interest which would prevent objective College Procedure: Delegation of Signature Authority analysis, or may receive a personal advantage or benefits. Documents or agreements in this category shall be authorized at the next highest organizational level. Employees who violate the above procedure are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination, and may be subject to criminal prosecution.
Name: | Maureen Murphy |
Title: | President |
Effective Date: | 1 February 2013 |
Signature: |
The following individual is an authorized designated signer for the following documents:
Name of Designee | Title | Documents |
Louise Horgan | Executive Assistant | HR documents including adjunct hiresPRs/POs/invoices/routine transactions Travel Approval/Reimbursement Expense Approval/Reimbursement Grants & Contracts up to $5000 Daily operating requirements Routine correspondence Misc. |
Implemented: 1/2013