Packets & Materials from the Board of Trustees Meetings

For calendar year 2019 and prior years, please choose from archive links at right.
Starting in January 2020 the approved Public Business Meeting minutes will be posted on this page.

Request for Audio Recordings of Brookdale Board of Trustees Public Meetings between September 2018 and September 2021 are available via this link and will be processed by our Public Records Custodian. Recordings since October 2021 are available on the website.

How do I make a public comment in a meeting?

Opportunities for public comment

The agenda includes two opportunities for public comment and all members attending in person or remotely will be able to make public comment during those times. Attendees participating via a mobile device using the Zoom App, will be able to “raise their hand” on the App, and you will be unmuted and may make your public comment during the public comment periods.  If you are calling in on your phone only, you will be able to “raise your hand” by dialing *9 on your phone. You will be muted after your public comment time is over . Each member of the public that has “raised their hand” will be called either by their last 4 digits of their phone number or by the name they registered with Zoom.

Length of public comment

All members of the public will be given an opportunity to provide public comment of no greater than five (5) minutes (unless an alternative time limit is stated at the beginning of the public comment portion of the meeting at the sole discretion of the Board Chair) in duration during the public comment portion of the meeting (this applies equally to written public comments submitted via email or through the mail).

Submission of written comment

Alternatively, members of the public may submit written comment in advance of a meeting, which will be read during the public portion of the meeting. Written comments shall contain the submitter’s name and address and may be submitted via email to the College’s Senior Assistant to the President and Board of Trustees ( or by U.S. mail addressed to: Cynthia Gruskos, Senior Assistant to the President & The Board of Trustees, Office of the President, Brookdale Administrative Center (BAC), 765 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft, New Jersey 07738. Emailed and mailed comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. the day prior to the meeting. Submission of public comments prior to the meeting must identify the name and address of the submitter. No anonymous comments will be accepted.

Procedure for reading submitted written comment at meeting

Public comments submitted prior to the meeting shall be read aloud by an authorized representative of the Board during the public meeting in a matter audible to all meeting participants. Written comments received prior to the meeting will be read after all those members of the public attending the meeting wishing to provide comment have had the opportunity to do so. The same time limit shall apply to each of the public comments received prior to the meeting. Each written comment shall be read from the beginning until the time limit is reached. If duplicative written comments are received, the name of each commenter will be noted for the record, and the contents may be summarized. After the comments received by email or in writing prior to the meeting are read, no other public comment will be permitted.

Approved procedures and regulations for public comment during a remote public meeting

View PDF of this procedure



WHEREAS, on March 9, 2020, Governor Murphy issued Executive Order 103 declaring a state of emergency as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; and

WHEREAS, on March 16, 2020, Governor Murphy issued Executive Order 104, which announced aggressive social distancing measures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which included encouraging employees to tele-work if feasible and limiting large social gatherings and in-person meetings such as those conducted by local government entities; and

WHEREAS, local government entities such as Brookdale Community College (the “College”) have continued to conduct public meetings and hearings during the COVID-19 pandemic remotely so as to continue the effective administration of government and to enable the general public to continue to participate in government decision making without unduly compromising public health, safety, and welfare; and

WHEREAS, the Division of Local Government Services (“DLGS”) issued remote meeting guidance in March 2020 to provide a list of possible solutions available for local government entities to host remote meetings in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6, et seq. (“OPMA”); and

WHEREAS, the Director of the DLGS has promulgated emergency regulations, codified at N.J.A.C. 5:39-1.1 to -1.7, which establish standard protocols for remote public meetings held by local government entities during a Governor-declared emergency, including minimum procedures to be followed to provide reasonable notice and to allow public input; and

WHEREAS, On September 24, 2020, the DLGS issued Local Finance Notice 2020-21, expounding upon the emergency regulations; and

WHEREAS, to allow the College to continue to conduct public business, and to allow the public to attend College public meetings remotely, consistent with and in compliance with Executive Order 104, the OPMA, and N.J.A.C. 5:39-1.1 to -1.7, the College establishes standard protocols for remote public meetings as set forth in this Resolution;

WHEREAS, the Brookdale Community College Board of Trustees has determined to adopt the following standard protocols and procedures for conducting remote public meetings, including minimum procedures to be followed to provide reasonable notice and to allow public input:


The aforesaid recitals are incorporated herein as though fully set forth at length.

The following procedures and requirements are hereby adopted for the College’s Board of Trustees remote public meetings:

  • The College’s public notice of each meeting conducted remotely shall contain the dial-in conference number and/or web address and all other information (e.g., meeting ID, password) that will be necessary for members of the public to participate in and access the meeting remotely. The Board of Trustees presently uses “Zoom” audio/video to conduct its remote public meetings. Members of the public wishing to comment during the public portion of meetings or during a public hearing may press “*9” for Zoom audio, or click on the appropriate “Zoom” video button to raise their hand.  The College’s Assistant to the President and Board of Trustees or such other person so designated from time to time (“Facilitator”) will keep members of the public muted, except when they are selected to speak during the public portion of the meeting. Members of the public may also mute themselves or discontinue their video through the “Zoom” platform.

Members of the public may submit written comments in advance of a meeting, which will be read during the public portion of the meeting.  Written comments shall contain the submitter’s name and address and may be submitted via email to the College’s Senior Assistant to the President and Board of Trustees ( or by U.S. mail addressed to: Cynthia Gruskos, Senior Assistant to the President & The Board of Trustees, Brookdale Administrative Center (BAC) 765 Newman Springs Road,) Lincroft, New Jersey  07738.  Emailed and mailed comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. the day prior to the meeting. Submission of public comments prior to the meeting must identify the name and address of the submitter. No anonymous comments will be accepted.

  • Public comments submitted prior to the meeting shall be read aloud by an authorized representative of the Board during the public meeting in a matter audible to all meeting participants. Written comments received prior to the meeting will be read after all those members of the public attending the meeting wishing to provide comment have had the opportunity to do so. The same time limit of five (5) minutes (unless an alternative time limit is stated at the beginning of the public comment portion of the meeting at the sole discretion of the Board Chair) shall apply to each of the public comments received prior to the meeting. Each written comment shall be read from the beginning, until the time limit is reached. If duplicative written comments are received, the name of each commenter will be noted for the record, and the contents may be summarized. After the comments received by email or in writing prior to the meeting are read, no other public comment will be permitted.
  • The Board of Trustees will not accept comments made through the “chat” feature available on Zoom remote meetings or by text messaging or other platforms.
  • The agenda for the meeting will be available on the College’s website: The agenda will be located in the “ Board Packets and Agendas” section of the College website prior to the meeting.
  • If any meeting includes a public hearing, all material that will be considered by the Board of Trustees at the public hearing shall be posted on or linked to the homepage of the College’s website in a conspicuous location or as otherwise required by law. Written comments, as set forth above, will be accepted for such public hearings.  If sworn testimony is to be taken during the public hearing, it shall be broadcast by both video and audio.  Written public comments will not be considered where sworn testimony is required.
  • Immediately after calling the meeting to order, the designated Facilitator shall ensure that the dial-in number or other means of conducting the meeting remotely is working. If the dial-in number or other means of conducting the meeting remotely is not working, and cannot be returned to working order in a reasonable period of time, the meeting shall be adjourned by the chair of the meeting to another time.
  • The College Attorney or such other person so designated by the Board of Trustees from time to time, shall announce at the beginning of the remote public meeting the procedures and requirements for making public comment, along with an explanation of the audio muting function of the electronic communications platform being used.
  • In the event the meeting is being recorded, the College Attorney or such other person so designated, will advise the public at the beginning of the meeting.
  • If any member of the public is attending remotely, he/she will be provided an opportunity to provide public comment of no greater than five (5) minutes (unless an alternative time limit is stated at the beginning of the public comment portion of the meeting at the sole discretion of the Board Chair) in duration during the public comment portion of the meeting (this applies equally to written public comments submitted via email or through the mail). The Board Chair will ask whether any member of the public has a comment. If a member of the public provides an indication as set forth above that they wish to speak, then the designated Facilitator shall enable the person to speak. Such person shall set forth their name and address for the record. A member of the public wishing to speak during the public comment portion of the meeting will be identified by the last 4 digits of his or her phone number or by the name he or she has signed in with, at which time such member of the public will be unmuted. The Board Attorney shall inform the commenter when he or she has one (1) minute of time remaining to comment. At the conclusion of the commenter’s comments, he or she will again be muted. There will be no cross dialogue during the public comment portion of the meeting. Once all members of the public who wish to make comment have been heard and all written comments have been read, any Trustee, the President, Board Attorney or such other person designated by the Board of Trustees to speak on behalf of the College, may address any comments made without cross dialogue.
  • If any member of the public is attending remotely, and a closed session is called by the Board of Trustees as permitted by the OPMA, a separate call-in number or other electronic means of limiting remote participation shall be available so only the Board of Trustees and other persons needed for the closed session may participate. The College Attorney shall clearly state at what point in the agenda the closed session will occur, the reasons for the closed session, the projected length of the closed session, whether formal action will be taken on any matter after the closed session, and that the public will not be able to hear the Board of Trustees or provide comment during the closed session. The Board of Trustees shall return to the public meeting following closed session to adjourn the meeting or take other action as necessary.
  • Any member of the public who is attending remotely must participate in the meeting with appropriate decorum and act in a civil manner. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. The College reserves the right to exclude those members of the public who display conduct or make comments that are disruptive, which includes but is not limited to sustained inappropriate behaviors such as, shouting, interruption, or the use of profanity. Members of the public engaged in such conduct will receive a warning, and if the conduct continues, the person will be muted and his or her comments deemed concluded. If time permits, and after all other members have been given the opportunity to make comment and all comments submitted in writing before the meeting have been read, the disruptive speaker shall be given the opportunity to continue to comment and be permitted to utilize the unused five (5) minutes of time originally allotted to him or her. Should the commenter remain disruptive, he or she shall be placed on mute or in the discretion of the Board Chair, removed from video and/or removed altogether from the meeting.
  • Members of the public may also be immediately, and without warning, muted, removed from video and/or removed altogether from the meeting for conduct or comments that are harassing, demeaning, threatening, and/or offensive to any person’s race, gender, color, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and disability (list is representative, not exclusive).
  • The College, in its discretion, may change the technology for conducting remote public meetings from ZOOM to an alternate acceptable form of audio/videoconferencing technology.

Any prior ordinance or resolution controlling the decorum of College Board of Trustees meetings continue to be in effect unless directly contradictory to the provisions in this Resolution.

A copy of this Resolution shall be prominently posted under the “Board Packets & Agendas” section of the College’s website.

The College’s Attorney or any other official, officer or employee of the College are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents and to take any and all actions necessary to complete and realize the intent and purpose of this Resolution.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Brookdale Community College Board of Trustees hereby adopts the foregoing procedures and requirements for public comment during a remote public meeting; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the procedures and requirements for making public comment, along with an explanation of the audio muting function of the Zoom technology, shall be announced at the beginning of each remote public meeting and will be placed on the College’s website.

Approved:  Board of Trustees, October 27, 2020

View PDF of this procedure

September 2024

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / Public Packet will be available by 12PM on September 24, 2024

Call 1-646-558-8656; webinar ID: 970 3540 9907 to participate remotely via phone.
Passcode: 754761

August 2024

Tuesday, August 27, 2024 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Brookdale at Wall, 800 Monmouth Blvd., Wall NJ  07719 – THIS IS AN IN-PERSON MEETING WITH NO ZOOM OPTION

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / August 27, 2024 Materials Packet

June 2024

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / June 25, 2024 Materials Packet


May 2024

Wednesday, May 28, 2024 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / May 28, 2024 Materials Packet / Addendum to Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes



April 2024

Wednesday, April 24, 2024 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / April 24, 2024 Materials Packet / Approved Minutes


March 2024

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / March 26, 2024 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes



Friday, March 22, 2024 – Board of Trustees Retreat – Evening Session at 5:30 PM, Nutrition Hub, Caroline Huber Holistic Wellness Center

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda /


Saturday, March 23, 2024 – Board of Trustees Retreat – Morning Session at 8:30 AM, Nutrition Hub, Caroline Huber Holistic Wellness Center

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda /


February 2024

Tuesday, February 27, 2024 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / February 27, 2024 Materials Packet / Approved Minutes


January 2024

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / January 23, 2024 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes


December 2023

Tuesday, December 19, 2023 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / December 19, 2023 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes


November 2023

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / November 28, 2023 Materials Packet / Approved Minutes


October 2023

Tuesday, October 24, 2023 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / October 24, 2023 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes


September 2023

Tuesday, September 26, 2023 – Public Business Meeting at 6:00 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / September 26, 2023 Materials Packet / Approved Minutes


August 2023

Tuesday, August 8, 2023 – Special Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, President’s Conference Room, Brookdale Administrative Center (BAC)

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / Approved Minutes

Tuesday, August 22, 2023 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / August 22, 2023 Materials Packet / Approved Minutes


June 2023

Tuesday, June 27, 2023 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / June 27, 2023 Materials Packet / Approved Minutes


May 2023

Tuesday, May 30, 2023 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / May 30, 2023 Materials Packet / Meeting Packet Addendum / Approved Minutes


April 2023

Tuesday, April 4, 2023 – Board of School Estimate Meeting at 12:00 PM, Commissioner’s Meeting Room, Hall of Records, 1 E. Main St., Freehold, NJ

Notice of Meeting

Tuesday, April 25, 2023 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / April 25, 2023 Materials Packet / April 25,2023 Materials Packet Addendum / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes




March 2023

Tuesday, March 28, 2023 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / March 28, 2023 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes


February 2023

Thursday, February 16, 2023 – Special Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, President’s Conference Room, Brookdale Administrative Center (BAC), and Zoom Meeting

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / February 16, 2023 Special Meeting Materials Packet  /


Tuesday, February 28, 2023 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / February 28,2023 Materials Packet / Draft Financial Statement Audit / Meeting Packet Addendum / Approved Minutes



January 2023

Tuesday, January 24, 2023 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Twin Lights, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting/ Meeting Agenda / January 24, 2023 Materials Packet /
Executive Resolution /Approved Minutes

December 2022

Tuesday, December 13, 2022 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / December 13, 2022 Materials Packet / Approved Minutes




November 2022

Tuesday, November 15, 2022 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / November 15, 2022 Materials Packet / Approved Minutes


October 2022

Tuesday, October 25, 2022 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Freehold HEC and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / October 25, 2022 Materials Packet / Approved Minutes



September 2022

Wednesday, September 28, 2022 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / September 28, 2022 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes



Tuesday, September 20, 2022 – Special Board of Trustees Meeting at 5:30 PM, Brookdale Administration Center (BAC), President’s Conference Room

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda

August 2022

Tuesday, August 23, 2022 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Freehold HEC and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / August 23, 2022 Materials Packet / August 23, 2022 Materials Packet Addendum/ Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes


July 2022

Monday, July 25, 2022 – Special Board of Trustees Meeting at 5:30 PM, Brookdale Administration Center (BAC), President’s Conference Room
Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / July 25, 2022 Special Meeting Materials Packet / Approved Minutes

The Special Meeting is an in-person meeting only.  Public comment will be limited to in-person only.


Friday, July 15, 2022 – Board of Trustees Retreat – Evening Session at 5:30pm, CVA Gallery
Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda


Saturday, July 16, 2022 – Board of Trustees Retreat – Morning Session at 9:00am, CVA Gallery
Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / Approved Minutes


The Board Retreat is an in-person meeting only.  Public comment will be limited to in-person only.

June 2022

Tuesday, June 28, 2022 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Hazlet HEC and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / June 28, 2022 Materials Packet / Approved Minutes


May 2022

Tuesday, May 31, 2022 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30PM, Robert J. Colins Arena and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / May 31, 2022 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes



April 2022

Tuesday, April 26, 2022 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / April 26, 2022 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes



Thursday, April 14, 2022 – Special Board of Trustees Meeting at 5:30 PM, Brookdale Administration Center (BAC), President’s Conference Room and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / April 14, 2022 Special Meeting Materials Packet /Approved Minutes


March 2022

Board of School Estimate 2022 Notice of Public Hearing

March 24, 2022 at 11 AM – Commissioners Meeting Room, Hall or Records, 1 East Main St., Freehold, NJ
Note:  There is no ability to participate via Zoom

Notice March 24, 2022       Notice March 8, 2022



Tuesday, March 22, 2022 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / March 22, 2022 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes

February 2022

Tuesday, February 22, 2022 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / February 22, 2022 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes



January 2022

Tuesday, January 25, 2022 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / January 25, 2022 Materials Packet / Approved Minutes


December 2021

Tuesday, December 14, 2021 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / December 14, 2021 Materials Packet / Approved Minutes

November 2021

Tuesday, November 16, 2021 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / November 16, 2021 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes


October 2021

Tuesday, October 26, 2021 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / October 26, 2021 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes

September 2021

Tuesday, September 28, 2021 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar,

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / September 28, 2021 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes


August 2021

Tuesday, August 24, 2021 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar
Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / August 24, 2021 Materials Packet / Approved Minutes


July 2021

Friday, July 30, 2021 – Board of Trustees Retreat – Evening Session at 5:30pm, SLC, Twin Lights Rooms and Zoom Webinar
Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / July 30, 2021 Board of Trustees Retreat Materials Packet / Approved Minutes


Saturday, July 31, 2021 – Board of Trustees Retreat – Morning Session at 8:30am, SLC, Twin Lights Rooms and Zoom Webinar
Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / July 31, 2021 Board of Trustees Retreat Materials Packet / Approved Minutes


June 2021

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center and Zoom Webinar
Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / June 22, 2021 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes


May 2021

Tuesday, May 25, 2021 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / May 25, 2021 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes



April 2021

Tuesday, April 27, 2021 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / April 27, 2021 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes


March 2021

Tuesday, March 23, 2021 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / March 23, 2021 Materials PacketDRAFT FY20 Audit – Addendum to Packet   / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes



Thursday, March 11, 2021 Board of School Estimate at 12 PM, Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / March 11, 2021 Meeting Packet


February 2021

Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30 PM, Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / February 23, 2021 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes


January 2021

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 – Public Meeting at 5:30PM, Zoom Webinar
Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / January 26, 2021 Materials Packet / Approved Minutes

December 2020

Tuesday, December 15, 2020 – Public Meeting at 5:30 PM, Zoom Webinar
Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / December 15, 2020 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes

November 2020

Tuesday, November 17, 2020 – Public Meeting at 5:30 PM, Zoom Webinar
Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / November 17, 2020 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution  / Approved Minutes

October 2020

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 – Public Meeting at 5:30PM, Zoom Webinar
Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / October 27, 2020 Materials Packet / Executive ResolutionApproved Minutes

September 2020

Tuesday, September 22, 2020 – Public Meeting at 5:30PM, Zoom Webinar
Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / September 22, 2020 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes

July 2020

Tuesday, July 28, 2020 – Public Meeting at 5:30PM, Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / July 28, 2020 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes

June 2020

Tuesday, June 23, 2020 – Public Meeting at 5:30PM, Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / June 23, 2020 Materials Packet/ Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes

May 2020

Wednesday, May 27, 2020 – Public Meeting at 5:30PM, Zoom Webinar

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / May 27, 2020 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes

April 2020

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30PM, Zoom Meeting hosted at Brookdale Lincroft Campus.

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / April 28, 2020 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes

March 2020

Tuesday, March 24, 2020 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30PM, Zoom Meeting hosted at Brookdale Lincroft Campus.

Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / March 24, 2020 Materials Packet  / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes

February 2020

Tuesday, February 18, 2020 – Special Public Business Meeting to approve FY21 revised Operating & Capital Budget to reflect increased state and county funding for Chapter 12 projects at 5:30PM, Trustees  Conference Room, Warner Student Life Center
Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / February 18, 2020 Materials Packet

Tuesday, February 25, 2020 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30PM, Brookdale at Long Branch, Room 200
Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / February 25, 2020 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes

January 2020

Tuesday, January 28, 2020 – Public Business Meeting at 5:30PM, Navesink Rooms, Warner Student Life Center
Notice of Meeting / Meeting Agenda / Proposed FY21 Schedule of Tuition & Fees and Operating & Capital Budget / January 28, 2020 Materials Packet / Executive Resolution / Approved Minutes